Un mundo de insectos, conejos y flores, árboles y pompones, moños y jaulas.
Un mundo poético, naif, pero oscuro. Este es el mundo de Matthieu Mouton y
Nicolas Collet, dos jóvenes diseñadores que juegan, experientan y crean
nuevos estilos de vanguardia en accesorios hechos a mano y en plata. Como
consecuencia: Mouton Collet, una marca que
surge en el 2006 con raíces belgas, pero con su estudio en Paris de la mano
de estos dos jóvenes amigos.
Las creaciones son presentadas a modo de diario íntimo, con títulos que
refieren a distintos estados de ánimo o que se vinculan con la naturaleza.
El último año se animaron al desarrollo de una línea masculina, MoutonCollet
for men, que atrae a sus clientes por su doble significado y sentido del
Yo solo quisiera poder salir a jugar con todos estos animales, yo solo
quisiera poder meterme en el mundo de Mouton Collet!
A world of insects, rabbits and flowers, trees and pompoms, bows and cages,
a poetical world, naif but dark. This is the world of Matthieu Mouton and
Nicolas Collet, two young designers who play, experiment and believe new
styles of avantgarde in handmade accessories and in silver. The consequence
of this: Mouton Collet a brand that arises in 2006 with Belgian roots but
with their study in Paris of the hand of these two young friends. Presented
like an intímate journal, with titles that takes us to different states of
mind, emotions, fellings and also linked to natural elements. Last year they
encouraged themselves to create a masculine line, Mouton Coollet for men, a
line that attracts their clients for its double meaning and sense of the
All I can wish for is to be able to go out to play with all these animals,
all I can wish for is to be able to get into Mouton Collet's world!
a poetical world, naif but dark. This is the world of Matthieu Mouton and
Nicolas Collet, two young designers who play, experiment and believe new
styles of avantgarde in handmade accessories and in silver. The consequence
of this: Mouton Collet a brand that arises in 2006 with Belgian roots but
with their study in Paris of the hand of these two young friends. Presented
like an intímate journal, with titles that takes us to different states of
mind, emotions, fellings and also linked to natural elements. Last year they
encouraged themselves to create a masculine line, Mouton Coollet for men, a
line that attracts their clients for its double meaning and sense of the
All I can wish for is to be able to go out to play with all these animals,
all I can wish for is to be able to get into Mouton Collet's world!