El término indie proviene del inglés independent, que en general se usa para designar a cualquiera de los géneros, subculturas y atributos estilísticos, caracterizados por su autonomía creativa. De este concepto nace INDIE MAGAZINE.
Fue fundada en Viena en el 2003 y se edita 4 veces por año: Spring en Marzo, Summer en Junio, Fall en Septiembre y Winter en Noviembre. Se edita en más de 10 países en inglés y en alemán.
INDIE tiene una imagen bastante innovadora, digo bastante porque hoy en día es una estética a la que estamos acostumbrados, pero no deja de ser interesante. Las producciones editoriales realizadas por reconocidos fotógrafos retratan en general nuevos talentos tanto del mundo de la moda como de la música.
Yo la dejo, vos mirala!
Indie comes from the English word independent, it refers in general to genres, subcultures and stylistic and cultural attributes, with an autonomous approximation. From this concept INDIE MAGAZINE was born.
It was founded in Vienna in 2003 and it has 4 editions per year: Spring in March, Summer in June, Fall in September and Winter in November.
Indie has an kind of innovative image,
I say kind because nowadays it is an aesthetics to which we are used to, but it does not imply that it is not interesting or less appealing. The editorials are made by recognized photographers portraying new talents of the fashion and music world.
Take a look!
It was founded in Vienna in 2003 and it has 4 editions per year: Spring in March, Summer in June, Fall in September and Winter in November.
Indie has an kind of innovative image,
I say kind because nowadays it is an aesthetics to which we are used to, but it does not imply that it is not interesting or less appealing. The editorials are made by recognized photographers portraying new talents of the fashion and music world.
Take a look!
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